Vocabulary!The body: The physical body that the system inhabitsAlters: The "other personalities", "alter egos" or "altered states". They can have different names, gender identities, pronouns, sexualities, and more. They are identified by having different speech, thought and movement processes (not all three are required for an alter to be considered an alter)Fronting: Being in control of the body and able to interact with the world and/or other people.
Co- Fronting: When two or more alters are controlling the bodySwitching: An alter taking control of the bodyHost: The alter who fronts the most. hosts are in charge of most aspects of daily life.Fragment : An alter who is not as "capable" (cannot front, verbally speak or talks only in the headspace) as other alters, often resulting in the alter not being registered in the system and/or not being fully formedHeadspace: A place in the head for alters to meet, talk and/or live.
Disassociating: A term used to describe a trance/state in which the body "disassociates", making it so it feels like an out of body experience. Symptoms are not limited to but may include;
-A detached sense of reality
-Feeling emotionally or physically numb
-Having little to no emotion
-Sweating, panicking or rapid heart beatHeadmate: A genderneutral term used by systems to refer to another alterInner Self : A reflection/description of how the alter genuinely views themselves. Their inner self may be a Godly being, a Demonic being, etc.
Types of Systems!DID: Dissociative Identity Disorder SystemsC DID: Complex or Polyfragmented DID systems [commonly have complex splitting patterns, may split fragments or in groups. NOT based on alter count.]HC DID systems: Highly complex DiD systems [commonly associated with
System roles!NOTE: Not all systems use or have roles.Persecutor: Someone who attacks/abuses the system, sometimes without realizing it. These are often demonized, however, they should be treated with respect as should all alters. Some don't even consider themselves "bad".Protector: Someone who protects the system, oftentimes fighting the persecutor. This may mean getting into fights, being highly sensitive and/or defensive.Little: Someone who age regresses/inner self is a child, and cannot help acting like one. They may not know what some more adult terms mean. Often treated with infantilization, these Littles should be treated with RESPECT not babied. However, DO NOT bring up mature topics around Littles, it may distress them.Caretaker/Caregiver: Someone who cares for/acts like a parental figure for the system, and often people outside of the system as well. These alters are often given the "mom", "dad", or "parent" title.Truamaholder: Someone who holds trauma, often only one memory. This memory is often not known to any other alters except the traumaholder.Middle: Like a Little, however a little older in age. Often treated as a "middle child" or younger teen (10-12), these alters are often more capable than Littles.Non-Verbal: Someone who cannot speak/speaks very little (not always included to typing, mostly included to in person conversations)Gatekeeper: Someone who gatekeeps, or prevents, fragmented, hostile or other alters from entering/joining the system.Otherkin/Therian: Someone who's innerself/identification is not human.Fictive/Introject: Someone who is based off of a fictional character (sometimes a real person for Introjects) and believes they are said character. Some may have memories held from said character. [NOTE: FOR INTROJECTS BASED ON IRL PEOPLE, PLEASE DO NOT DEMONIZE THEM. ALTERS CANNOT CHOSE WHO THEY ARE! IT IS A TRAUMA RESPONSE! ALTERS ARE HUMAN BEINGS JUST LIKE YOU. Remember; not all Fictives are like their source, retained their source memories or wish to engage with their source/source mates. Respect this.Internal self helpers: they often help solve internal conflicts within the system in order to keep the system functioning properly and healthy where possible. They often times know a lot about the other alters in the system and may even communicate with the systems therapist where needed.Fatives: A mix of a Fictive and Factive, usually from cases of fictional characters played by actual people [ie; marble hornets, young sheldon, ect]. They follow the same rules as both Fictives and Factives.
FAQ!How can I be respectful towards systems?DO: Treat members as individuals. Don't assume they all share memories, don't assume they use the same pronouns as the host/core, and for fucks sake, respect their identity and triggers. Members sometimes have exomemories (memories of their existence before they formed in the system), and some of those exomemories involve trauma.DON'T: Call a system memeber an "Alter" or a "Headmate". Do not ask "who's the real one?". It is extremely disresectful. All members of a system are REAL people and should be treated as such, opening the door to the shit list. Do not ever touch someone from the system without consent. Do not ever trigger a member to front unless you were told to or it was asked of you.What is a system?A system is a group of people (or non-humans, we vibe) living in the same body.. DO NOT CALL SYSTEM MEMBERS "Alters" WITHOUT PERMISSION. ("alters" is a term that is usually used for DID/OSDD systems and can be dehumanizing towards system members.)
These members all are individuals. They have different preferences, different attitudes, different personalities, different sexualities and genders and pronouns. They are separate people.
It's important to remember that members aren't the same person as the host or core.
All these members share a brain and body with the host or core (whether the system prefers to use host or core when talking about the person the body "belongs to" or the "original" depends on the system).
Members get the opportunity to "front", or take control of the body. This can happen on its own, or be intentional.How do I react to a switch?
1. Do not panic. You are fine. Calm down carl.2. Introduce yourself: Start with the basics. Tell the member your name, pronouns, etc. Don't forget to ask them the same!3. Explain the situation: It helps to recap what’s going on after a switch so the member knows what’s going on and can adjust to their surroundings faster. (Example: "We're going to the mall soon but, first we are picking up a friend.")4. Ask if they are caught up with what's happening: If they are not simply recap events or GENTLY remind them of what is happening or what has happened. If they are, continue as normal.If your question was not answered you can reach out to us via instagram or discord. Links on the first page.
All information is based on reserach done by Sun system and help from the following:The Storm system
The Mexican system
The A system
and many more!(Seriosuly so thankful for you guys, we love yall /p)